This is a copy of our Audience Feedback Questionnaire. We will give this to 10 people once they have watched our opeing sequence.
We asked ten people to complete our questionnaire after watching our film to help us review our work. The people who completed the questionnaires ranged more in age than the people who we asked to complete our previous questionnaire; this was because we want to compare the different opinions of our target audience and extended target audience to see whether they’re similar. Thriller films tend to attract a wide audience so it felt appropriate to ask the opinions of different ages.
We also made sure we chose people whose answers wouldn’t be bias by answering the highest, just to be friendly, since we wanted accurate results to get a clear idea of the audience’s opinion.
Question 1. What is your gender?
Male Female
This basically allows us to understand whether there are any correlations with a certain sex with their other answers as sex tends to influence their opinions.
Question 2. What age range do you fall into?
Under 14 14-18 19-25 26-35 36+
As you can see we didn’t ask any under 14 year olds or any 26-35 years olds. It happened by chance that we didn’t ask any 26-35 year olds however as we managed to get the ages above and below it shouldn’t make much difference to our results as they’re reasonably close age groups. Our thriller film isn’t really appropriate for under 14 year old audience so therefore their opinions aren’t valid for our review which is why it doesn’t make any difference to our questionnaire results. The 14-18 year old age group are our main demographic which makes their opinion more important for our feedback. For this reason the 14-18 age group were the majority who answered our questionnaire. As previously said we wanted to know the opinions of a wider age range as despite having certain demographics for our film other audiences tend to watch thrillers also.
Age is an important influence on people’s opinion so for that reason too we wanted to make sure we asked more than just one age group
Question 3. With 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest, how well do you think the film meets the conventions of the thriller film?
1 2 3 4 5
The fundamental conventions of a Thriller films are intense and thrilling plot, often based around a single character; without these basic conventions our film couldn’t be called a psychological thriller. This question not only lets us know whether our film has met these conventions but also indicates people’s opinion on whether our film is successful or not. Most people answered 4 indicating that although the conventions weren’t noticeable the best they could have been, they were still strongly recognised by the viewers. However this is a reasonable response as we are only able to show two minutes of the beginning to a film so not much progress can be made. One person answered 2 which is disappointing and shows us that there’s certainly room for improvement. Bearing this in mind we asked in the final question what improvements could be made.
Question 4. How well do you think the film meets the sub-genre of psychological thriller?
1 2 3 4 5
For our film to meet the sub-genre of a psychological thriller we had to clearly show psychological elements that involved the character’s mind. We used flashed backs to do this and from our results this turned out very successful. Half put 4 and the other half put 5 which means that the character’s mental thoughts were recognised. Therefore we successfully achieved the psychological sub-genre.
Question 5. How would you rate the plot?
1 2 3 4 5
The plot is the main part of a film, so for it to be a successful opening, it must be a good plot.
For this question we used a scale of 1-5 for the respondents of the questionnaire to rate the plot. By doing this we get an insight of how good or bad the audience think the plot is. By looking at the chart we can see that there are mixed reviews about the plot, but the largest amount of people thought that the plot was good, giving it a 4 or 5.
Question 6. How well did the plot captivate you and make you want to keep watching?
1 2 3 4 5
By asking this question it allows us to see if our introduction was successful in engaging the audience’s attention. Our whole project is based around the plot. What is the point of the film if you don’t like the storyline?
From this feedback we can see that our plot worked well. We were given all 4’s and 5’s therefore the film fulfils its purpose.
Question 7. How would you rate the camera work?
Camera work was one of the things we decided needed to be better. Before our preliminary task we’d never seriously operated cameras before so it was a challenge.
This feedback clearly shows that our camera work is good, 4’s and 5’s show that it is better than average even.
Question 8. How would you rate the choice of setting?
The setting is a restriction we have, we can do it anywhere, but practically, it can only be within the Peterborough area. However the graph shows that our choice of setting was good. Some people think it could be better, but no one thought it was below satisfactory.
Question 9. How would you rate the film overall?
All 4’s and 5’s is an excellent result. There is room for improvement, but it shows all our viewers were happy. This also shows that we targeted the right audience.
10. Is there anything you would improve?
This is an open ended question because we wanted individual people’s opinions.
Some answers given are:
“Build the viewer into the plot – they are left wondering a bit too much”
“Better setting?”
“Longer flashbacks, less transitions between”
“Be more descriptive about the plot t the viewer”
Other than these, we were told we didn’t need improvements. This is all helpful feedback. It’s clear we needed the plot to be more apparent, though we found this difficult as we were just doing the opening. In hindsight we also agree that the flashbacks aren’t long enough, making the transitions a bit too frequent.
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