Friday, 18 February 2011

Evaluation 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

We basically based our media product on ourselves. We made it around what we know people in our age group like. Arguably, the age range of 30+ would be better because they are the wealthiest, but as a young person, the things we can do are limited, so we spend a lot of time watching films and going to the cinema. We are also tend to use technology more, like iphones and laptops, so advertising is easy and we have more access to the films. We chose an age range of 14-18 because older than 18, they'd probably want something over the 18 certificate. They'd probably also want more action and more gore - something more exciting and not so deep. The main character is also 17 therefore 17 year old people can relate the film more.

 The two-step flow is more fluent through the 14-18 age range. 14-18 is a very social age, there are many ways that 14-18 year olds communicate and they have less going on in their lives, therefore they're more likely to converse about the films they've watched. Also 14-18 year olds also use film watching as a way of unwinding.

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