Friday, 18 February 2011

Evaluation 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

A production company is responsible for every aspect of a film, from the filming to the distribution. Sophy, Alice, myself, the I.T team and Ms. Hammond make up our production company. Sophy, Alice and myself were responsible for every aspect of the film, with guidance from Ms. Hammond and the I.T team.

A film distributor is a company or individual responsible for releasing films to the public either theatrically or for home viewing (DVD, Video-On-Demand, Download, Television etc). A distributor may do this directly or through theatrical exhibitors and other sub-distributors. Paramount Pictures would be a suitable film distributor as they have distributed other films from the same genre as our, including 'Shutter Island'. Our film could also be exhibited through film festivals such as the Slamdance Film Festival or Screamfest Film Festival. This is where 'Paranormal Activity' was distributed which is classed as a horror/thriller. Our film would be suitable for a film festival because we are amateur producers without power. We therefore view our film as institiutionally similar to Paranormal Activity.

Sophy, Alice and I could also be seen as distributors as for our project we had to show people our film and get feedback. We did this through the use of dvd burning and youtube. Therefore youtube can also be seen as a distributor. These means helped us get a little recognition for our film.

We actually didn't spend any money on our film. We used resources we already had. If we were to make the whole film we would need much more money. 'Kidulthood' had a budget of £600,000. 'Kidulthood' is a film with no more action than ours, located in Britain therefore I think we would be looking at a similar budget to this film. This emans we also view 'Kidulthood' as institutionally similar.

We haven't actually put any titles on our film that show who did which jobs because we all did everything, Alice, Sophy and I are the production company.

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